The Star-Telegram reports that a woman is suspected of writing over $1 million in fraudulent checks to herself at the expensive of the Jewish Federation of Fort Worth. The woman, Ms. Laurie Ann Reese is accused of passing checks using forged signatures of the charity where she was employed. Law enforcement officials say they believe Reese passed more than 325 fraudulent checks from January 2016 to April 2018, at the price of over $992,000. Court documents show Reese used a signature stamp from an executive with the Jewish Federation and forged several signatures of a different executive before passing the checks at various financial institutions in the DFW.
The discrepancies were discovered during an annual audit said Roger Nober, chair of the committee appointed to investigate the theft. Spokeswoman, Davilyn Walston, with the U.S attorney’s office said Reese is believed to be the only person involved in this scheme and has not been detained or indicted. Walston went on to say that Reese and federal officials are expected to come to an arrangement and when that happens a grand jury will not have to decide on the case.