To continue my pledge (We can do better).
Formal philanthropy today reflects and often mirrors many aspects of the same systems of oppression that created the need for our organizations. The terms “white savior complex” and “charity porn” have been circulating in our sector for some time, but have we listened?
Philanthropy is not unique to white culture. Black communities have long had philanthropic traditions and we owe it to them and ourselves to learn more:
- Black Philanthropy article from The Learning Center
- Black Philanthropy Month on Facebook.
- What Can We Do about the White Savior Complex? From the Nonprofit Quarterly
- Unpacking White Saviorism by Annie Windholz
TONIGHT CommUnity Frontline is hosting a Facebook Live conversation on Race & Brotherhood at 7 pm. Join me.
Today, I lift up this organization:
HERitage Giving Fund at the Texas Women’s Foundation – this giving circle was founded during Black Philanthropy Month to encourage philanthropy in the African-America/Black community and to bring a new source of funding to nonprofit organizations serving African-American women and girls throughout the North Texas area. The HERitage Giving Fund recently distributed over $23,000 to six nonprofits led by black women, serving black women and girls.
Today, I will hear the calls for change from my colleagues of color and publish them.
- Email me at
Today, I will shine a light on practices that are in need of improvement.
- Take a moment to read this week’s featured opinion article.
- Privilege, power, and personal conflicts: The forces preventing change in nonprofit and philanthropy by Vu Le at Nonprofit AF