It’s with sadness, levity and regret that I add this foreword to this week’s publication. All of this week’s articles reflect “business as usual” in our sector.
When I created, I had a vision for not just reporting on the sector but improving it…for calling out our successes and our failures…for shining a light on the practices that work and those that don’t. I have not done this.
Our sector seeks to lift up our communities and fill the gaps left between opportunity, oppression and oversight. But we are also a product of the same systems of oppression and injustice that hurt our neighbors of colors. We avoid engaging in tough and public community conversations, calling out leaders that don’t improve our community for all and not lifting up those that do, and we dare not educate those with the means to support our organizations.
We have to own this and do better.
We cannot educate kids out of poverty in a system of oppression. Abuse of children will not end by ignoring its roots. Families can’t thrive when safety, child care, housing and opportunity are not equitable.
The definition of insanity is doing the same things and expecting a different result. So I challenge each of you and your organizations to answer this question, “How will we do things differently?”
I’m asking myself the same.
I’ve answered it this way:
- I will use my platform and privilege to lift up those existing, underrepresented and emerging leaders in the sector and use any opportunity to observe and learn from them.
- I will hear, acknowledge and partner with calls for change, improvement, education and progress.
- I will shine a light on practices that need improvement.
And I will begin all of this today…
Today, I lift up these individuals and organizations:
- United Fort Worth – United Fort Worth is a multiracial grassroots community organization that actively works to challenge discriminatory policy and systems of oppression while empowering communities to join the fight for justice through collective action.
- Leadership ISD – Leadership ISD advances educational excellence and equity by informing and connecting leaders to shape policy, lead strategically, and champion change.
- Dante Williams, Quinton Phillips, Derek Carson & Franklin Moss co-founders of Community Frontline – Community Frontline is a brotherhood of men who love Fort Worth and who are committed to addressing and solving the problems that cause suffering to the beloved residents of the community.
Our organizations and sector would be wise to give them a seat at their tables.
Today, I will hear the calls for change from my colleagues of color and publish them.
- Email me at
Today, I will shine a light on practices that are in need of improvement.
- Take a moment to read this week’s featured opinion article. We can do some real work here.
- Nonprofit Boards have a Diversity Problem & How to fix it by Pam Cannell at Board Build
With the will, there is a way. Let’s show our collective will. #dobetter