Health Care

Cook Children’s asks community to “Let Your Lights Shine Blue” Mar. 18-24

Cook Children’s Health Care System is asking the community to join in its centennial year celebration during 2018 through a year-long series of commemorative events and activities.

Cook Children’s was founded on March 21, 1918 after a baby had been abandoned at a local physician’s office. Fort Worth’s former postmistress Ida Turner ran into the physician carrying the baby and, after some investigation, found that there was no hospital in Fort Worth that would provide care for an abandoned child pro-bono. Turner was instrumental in opening the “Free Baby Hospital” just a few months later, and the rest is history.

The organization is asking for supporters to be a part of the celebration and show their support for the kids Cook Children’s cares for by changing their porch lights or other outside lights to blue the week of its birthday, March 18-24. The organization shared this message:

“During the week of March 18 – 24, we’re asking everyone who has been touched by Cook Children’s in the past 100 years to light the outside of their home up in our colors, blue and/or green. Whether it’s a porch light or a full on Christmas style display, we would love to see the impact Cook Children’s has on our community come to life visually. We’d also love to see photos/videos of the lights on social media using the hashtag #cook100years.”

Find out more on the organization’s 100 Years Celebration webpage.


Our not-for-profit organization is comprised of eight companies, including our Medical Center, Physician Network, Home Health Company, Northeast Hospital, Pediatric Surgery Center, Health Plan, Health Services Inc., and Health Foundation. With more than 60 primary, specialty and urgent care locations throughout Texas, families can access our top-ranked specialty programs and network of services to meet the unique needs of their child.

Find out more on the organization’s website. publishes every week.
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