
CEO of U&I accepted into Forbes Business Council  

Hugh Breland, CEO of U&I, a Dallas nonprofit that empowers individuals with disabilities and those with barriers to employment, has been accepted into the Forbes Business Council, the foremost growth and networking organization for successful business owners and leaders worldwide.

Breland was selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience in the disability community. Criteria for acceptance includes a track record of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as well as personal and professional achievements and honors.

“It’s a profound honor to be selected to participate in the Forbes Business Council,” said Breland. “Veterans and the disabled community deserve a strong voice to highlight their struggles, aspirations, talents, and achievements. Every veteran and individual with disabilities has immense value, and through the Forbes Business Council, I aim to educate the business community and beyond about the significant and transformative contributions veterans and the disabled can make with the right support.”

As a member of the Council, Breland has access to a variety of exclusive opportunities designed to help him reach peak professional influence. He will connect and collaborate with other respected leaders in a private forum. Breland also will have the opportunity to share his expert insights in original articles and contribute to published Expert Panels alongside other experts on

source: press release publishes every week.
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Barbara Clark Galupi