Funding Opportunities

The US Conference of Mayors offer childhood obesity prevention grants

Since 2012, the Childhood Obesity Prevention/Environmental Health and Sustainability Awards — a partnership between The United States Conference of Mayors and the American Beverage Association for a Healthy America (ABFHA) — has awarded nearly $6 million to cities of all sizes across the country to support programs that aim to improve the health and wellness of the nation’s children, families, neighborhoods, and cities.

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A total of $745,000 in funding will be awarded to nine cities, in three population categories: Small City (population less than 75,000); Medium City (population 75,000-250,000) and Large City (population more than 250,000). The application deadline is Friday, August 25th, at 11:59pm ET. Winners will be announced at the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ 92nd Winter Meeting in Washington D.C. in January 2024

Large City
1st Place: $250,000
2nd Place: $50,000
3rd Place: $15,000

Medium City
1st Place: $175,000
2nd Place: $50,000
3rd Place: $15,000

Small City

1st Place: $125,000
2nd Place: $50,000
3rd Place: $15,000

2023 1st Place Winner, Large City ($250K)
Mayor Vi Lyles | Charlotte, NC

2023 1st Place Winner, Medium City ($175K)
Mayor Andy Schor | Lansing, MI

2023 1st Place Winner, Small City ($125K)
Mayor Vicki Scaman | Oak Park, IL

All member cities of The United States Conference of Mayors are eligible to receive this award, including service cities. Each application must include a signed letter of support from the Mayor. There is no limit on the number of applications a Mayor can support or submit.

This award aims to support programs that engage community members and promote or stimulate behavior change, in the categories of: a) childhood obesity prevention; b) environmental health and sustainability or; c) a hybrid of both. Types of programs eligible for funding include but are not limited to:

Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiatives

  • Increasing kids’ and families’ access to fresh fruits and vegetables, through the development of school and community gardens, and/or programs that support farmers’ markets and/or free or low-cost fruit and vegetable distribution in affected communities
  • Cooking and nutrition programs that focus on teaching kids how to eat better and/or how to prepare healthy meals
  • Programs that encourage kids to exercise in and out of school
  • Programs that empower youth to engage in educating their peers and in the community decision-making process about issues that directly impact their health and wellbeing – for example, hiring and training youth advocates

Environmental Health and Sustainability Initiatives

  • Strategies to encourage and improve residential recycling rates and reduce contamination
  • Food waste reduction initiatives, composting and other waste/landfill diversion programs
  • Beach/waterway and other types of community clean-up initiatives
  • Projects that promote water conservation
  • Projects that develop parks, and other open spaces
  • Projects that promote alternative transportation options, such as bike paths, and/or enhance neighborhood walkability for residents

Hybrid Programs

  • Programs that include strategies to reduce childhood obesity and also address environmental health and safety concerns.

To learn more or begin the application, click here. publishes every week.
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About the author

Barbara Clark Galupi