
Texas Women’s Foundation announces leadership transition

Texas Women’s Foundation (TXWF) has announced that Dena Jackson, Ph.D., interim president and CEO, will leave the organization on January 31, 2024. Fifteen years ago, she first served as a volunteer and donor, and then in 2012, she was hired as senior vice president of grants and research. She eventually became chief strategy officer responsible for research, advocacy, strategy and collaboration with stakeholders. At the request of the TXWF board, she assumed the role of interim president and CEO in spring 2023. 

The Foundation has also announced that Hattie Hill will serve as Executive in Residence, effective January 1. Jackson and Hill will work together to ensure a smooth transition. 

TXWF Chair of the Board Carrie Freeman Parsons said, “Dena stepped up to serve as interim CEO and provide stability. We are grateful for her service, which enabled our organization to stay focused on what is most important: supporting women and girls in Texas. During Dena’s tenure, she spearheaded our vital research Economic Issues for Women in Texas, which is celebrating its 10th year and has been the basis of our focus on the pillars that support economic stability for women in our state. Additionally, she extended TXWF’s reach into the community as well as our profile as the expert on challenges facing women and girls. We owe Dena a debt of gratitude for her tireless support of Texas Women’s Foundation.”    

Jackson said, “My last 12 years at Texas Women’s Foundation have truly been the best of my working life. It has been an honor to focus on the many ways Texas women contribute to our great state with my dedicated coworkers, grantee partners and donors.”

A long-standing supporter of the Foundation and experienced CEO of non-profits, Hattie Hill will primarily ensure ongoing organization health and help prepare the board and organization for its new CEO. Once the new CEO is hired, Hill will assist with the onboarding process and then continue her role as a valued Board and Executive Committee member. Hill is president and CEO of Hattie Hill Enterprises, Inc. She has also served as CEO of two nonprofits and is a board member of the Prosper Company.

“I’m honored to support the TXWF’s staff as they continue the work of making our communities stronger and more vibrant through grants, advocacy and leadership,” said Hill. “While the search for CEO continues, I am deeply passionate about the TXWF’s mission and I want to ensure a good starting place for the new CEO.” 

Freeman Parsons added, “As an active member of our board and Executive Committee, Hattie is the perfect fit for this interim role. Her background as an HR professional will serve the organization as we search for our permanent CEO replacement.”

Texas Women’s Foundation is working with Victory Search Partners to fill the open CEO role.

Dena Jackson’s Accomplishments

  • When Dena Jackson joined Dallas Women’s Foundation, now Texas Women’s Foundation, in 2012 she was already an established donor and volunteer for the Foundation.
  • She developed concept and direction of Economic Issues for Women in Texas research series that celebrates 10 years in 2024.
  • Eco Issues research series launched the Foundation’s focus on pillars of economic security for women: education, child care, health care and housing that has resulted in more than $8.5 million initiative grants since 2014 (Childcare: $5M+, Housing $1.7M+, Health care $1.8M+).
  • During Jackson’s tenure since starting as VP Grants, TXWF has increased grant and programming investments from $2.5M annual to $7M annual.
  • She helped elevate TXWF across Texas and nationally through sponsoring research and programming with partners such as Asset Funders Network and Philanthropy Southwest, where she also served in volunteer leadership roles. 
  • She is a sought out speaker on issues pertaining to economic security of women and girls and the role of policy advocacy in foundation work.
  • Jackson has positioned TXWF for policy advocacy and lobbying and helped TXWF become a force for sharing knowledge about the role advocacy needs to play in advancing nonprofit missions.

source: Press Release publishes every week.
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Barbara Clark Galupi