Funding Opportunities

New federal RFP’s support children’s health and elder fall prevention

Written by Alex Dunn

Hi, I’m Alex Dunn, the Millionaire Grant Lady. I have 15 years of grant writing experience and over $103 million in awards under my belt. I’m excited to share with the audience some tips, tricks and opportunities in Federal Funding.

free month federal grant ad

Funding for children’s health

  • Funder: Department of Health and Human Services
  • Due date: March 17, 2025
  • Award range: Up to $75k
  • Expected number of awards: 6
  • Cost sharing required? Yes
  • Eligibility: Nonprofits, institutions of higher education, for profit organizations, small businesses, independent school districts, tribal organizations, and city, state, county, and special district governments

Summary: This grant is to support community-based projects that promote access to preventive clinical and public health services for underserved children. For full eligibility details and application instructions, read the full RFP here.

Funding for fall prevention

  • Funder: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
  • Closing Date: February 27, 2025
  • Award range: $750k-$1M
  • Expected number of awards: 4
  • Match required? No
  • Eligible applicants: nonprofits, school districts, tribal organizations, institutions of higher education, and city, state, county, tribal, and special district governments

Summary: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to develop and implement robust statewide strategy that supports the delivery and sustainability of fall prevention evidence-based programs for older adults and adults with disabilities who are at risk of social isolation and falls. The project will be person-centered, trauma informed, and culturally appropriate to meet the needs of the target population.

For full eligibility details and application instructions, read the full RFP here. publishes every week.
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About the author

Alex Dunn

Alex Dunn is the Millionaire Grant Lady and a social worker. Alex is passionate about behavioral health, education, family and social services and helping organizations to help others. With 15 years of experience in grants and $103 million in grant funding, Alex wants your organization to be able to use grants to meet your mission.

She is the creator of the Area of Focus™ and Core Cultivation™ strategies and the Attractiveness Quotient™ survey for nonprofits. Alex has used these strategies to multiply grant funding for organizations, with a total of $103 million in grant funding to date.

Alex is the author of numerous reports, including “Three Ways Mental Health Organizations Can Increase Their Grant Funding” and “Three Mistakes Well Meaning Organizations Make in Grant Funding”. She is a long-time board member and current president of the Grant Professionals Association North Texas chapter.