Social Services

Community Council of Dallas uses bus tour to spotlight senior hunger

Community Council of Dallas today hosted the Get on the Bus to Drive Away Senior Hunger! Tour. The tour began at Visiting Nurses Association’s Haggerty Center, included a visit to North Texas Food Bank and wrapped up with a lunch at the Concord Church Senior Center.

In putting together this event, Dallas Coalition for Hunger Solutions brought together organizations and individuals committed to empowering residents of Dallas County to gain equal access to healthy food. The Senior Hunger Action Team, one of five Coalition Action Teams, unites organizations concerned about senior hunger. Team members that collaborated on the tour included the City of Dallas Senior Services Program, Dallas Area Agency on Aging, Dallas County Older Adult Services, NTFB, The Senior Source, the Texas Hunger Initiative and VNA, a press release stated.

The mission of the coalition is to bring the senior hunger issue to elected officials in order to:

  • Advocate at the federal, state and local levels for continued and increased funding for the myriad of programs helping to address senior hunger. On the federal level, these include the Older Americans Act, which helps to fund Meals on Wheels; and the Farm Bill, which funds SNAP and CSFP.
  • Understand the importance of transportation as a barrier to accessing many of the food programs discussed today (congregate meals, CSFP/PAN,) and the importance of the continued growth of a healthy transportation system in Dallas.
  • Refer those needing help to take advantage of the programs available all around Dallas County.

Speakers at the event included Sonia White, Dallas Area Agency on Aging; Zachary Thompson, Dallas County Health and Human Services; Katherine Krause, VNA; Trisha Cunningham, NTFB; Cortney Nicolato, The Senior Source; Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins; District 111 State Rep. Yvonne Davis; Dallas City Councilman District 3 Casey Thomas II; and participants from the Concord Church Senior Center.

Photos courtesy of North Texas Food Bank publishes every week.
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