Education Social Services

Camp Fire First Texas receives certification for data-driven decisions and methodology

Written by Mindia Whittier

Certification demonstrates programs that are making a tangible, positive impact in the community.

Camp Fire First Texas announces it has earned designation as a 2022 CNM Certified organization.

Founded in 1980, CNM strengthens nonprofits through strategic management and data expertise using leading-edge technology. It provides seminars, certificate programs and consulting services.

CNM Certified was designed to build stronger communities by driving more efficient and effective philanthropy for funders and nonprofits. The program helps funders make smarter investments by recognizing nonprofits that are serious about generating outcomes.

The certification confirms that Camp Fire First Texas is:

  • using valid methodology for collecting, analyzing and reporting program outcomes;
  • making data-driven decisions;
  • improving program performance; and
  • engaging stakeholders in a meaningful way.

“One of Camp Fire’s core values is data-informed practice, and we are thrilled to receive this certification in recognition of that effort,” said Lauren Richard, President/CEO of Camp Fire First Texas. “We continually use data to inform programmatic and organizational decisions and we thank CNM for their collaboration in helping us do that.”

Camp Fire First Texas is one of the largest Camp Fire councils in the country. It invests in North Texas communities by providing out-of-school time and outdoor learning programs for children and youth, while also offering workforce development programs for the educators who care for them.

Camp Fire programs are uniquely focused on the two periods of greatest brain growth and development: early childhood and early adolescence. They leverage the impact of the outdoor environment on the brain to educate and connect children to each other and the world around them and maintain a continuous improvement loop to maximize community impact.

The organization envisions a community in which every child has equitable access to quality learning opportunities that cultivate the skills they need to succeed and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

“To, again, achieve this level of recognition for our methods and practices fuels the passion and purpose for the work we do,” said Camp Fire First Texas Senior Vice President of Early Education Workforce Development, Lyn Lucas. “It also speaks volumes to those community partners who support our work with their time, talents and funding.”

Previous CNM Certified organizations include Alliance for Children, Dallas Pets Alive!, Fortress Youth Development Center, Frontiers of Flight Museum, UTD Community Engagement and North Texas nonprofits. publishes every week.
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About the author

Mindia Whittier