Boy Scouts of America (BSA) will change the name of its older youth program, one of its largest, to Scouts BSA in an effort to be more inclusive of its newest female members. The announcement was made in a press release.
The press release focused on the unveiling of the organization’s newest marketing campaign, Scout Me In, that features both girls and boys.
“Starting in February 2019, the name of the older youth program will be Scouts BSA, and the name of our iconic organization will continue to be Boy Scouts of America,” said Michael Surbaugh, chief scout executive, in the press release.
Since announcing the BSA’s historic decision to welcome girls into Scouting, more than 3,000 girls across the nation have already enrolled in the BSA’s Early Adopter Program and are participating in Cub Scouts ahead of the full launch later this year.
The NonProfit Times also reported on this story.
The Boy Scouts of America provides the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training, which helps young people be “Prepared. For Life.®” The Scouting organization is composed of nearly 2.3 million youth members between the ages of 5 and 21 and approximately 960,000 volunteers in local councils throughout the United States and its territories. To find out more, visit the organization’s website.