Arlington Charities is excited to roll out our new Food Delivery Program for elderly, mobility impaired, and homebound clients who otherwise wouldn’t be able to make it to our drive through pantry. This program is made possible through funding from the Community Development Block Grant. We are also excited to be renting an affordable delivery van from Moritz Motor Company.
The van’s maiden voyage to deliver to five program participants went swimmingly. “The van performed like a champ,” says AC employee, Adam. “Everyone was super nice and appreciated me calling beforehand to make sure they were ready,” asserted Adam. “I also helped unload and put away groceries for people who could not lift the heavy boxes.”
Program participants get two choices of meat, a choice of vegetables and canned goods, fresh fruits, and bread. Dietary restrictions are also taken into account. If you are homebound or mobility impaired and believe you would qualify for the program, call 817-275-1511 for more information.